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2015 National Policy Summit on Reverse Transfer

JasonJason L. Taylor, Ph.D. , Assistant Professor in Educational Leadership & Policy, presented his research at the opening session of the 2015 National Policy Summit on Reverse Transfer cosponsored by the National Student Clearinghouse and the Institute of Higher Education at the University of Florida on January 24, 2015 in Orlando, FL. The summit brought in state delegations, researchers, & policy makers from nearly 30 states to share their reverse transfer experiences.  Reverse transfer happens when a four-year college sends a student's records back to the two-year institution where they started. If the student has earned enough credits to meet the associate's degree requirements, the community college awards a degree. In an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Giving Credit Where Credit is Due is Tougher Than It Seems, Katherine Mangan cites Dr. Taylor's recent paper Optimizing Reverse-Transfer Policies and Processes: Lessons From Twelve CWID [Credit When It's Due] States.

Last Updated: 3/15/21