David Sperry
Professor Emeritus University of Utah
Doctor Sperry’s affiliation with the College of Education began 51 years ago when
he first enrolled as an undergraduate student at the University in the summer of 1962.
He went on to obtain a bachelor’s degree and secondary education certificate. His
professional career began as a secondary school social studies teacher. He later became
the first graduate student NDEA Fellow in the College of Education receiving his Ph.D.
in 1970. He worked for one year as a Planning Analyst in office of the Utah State
Board of Regents before returning to the University where he accepted an appointment
as assistant to the Dean of the College of Education and as an Assistant Professor
in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy.
Over the past 42 years he climbed the professorial ranks to full professor and served in multiple administrative positions in the college including seven years as an Associate Dean to two former Deans, three separate times as chairman of the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy for a total of 15 years, and seven years as Dean of the College between 1999–2006. In 1994, he received the College’s Distinguished Teaching Award and in 1997 his department’s Outstanding Scholarship and Research award. He was the author and/or co-author of numerous books and publications largely in the field of educational law and served on many state, regional, and national boards and committees related to education.