Dean's Message
I am honored to serve as the new dean of the College of Education. My journey began
with my appointment as interim dean in February 2023, followed by my permanent appointment
as dean in May of 2023.
I wish to communicate to you our collective commitment to students and communities. We celebrate our student body: diverse in backgrounds and experiences, all united by commitments to pursuing academic excellence and enacting positive change within our society.
Development and Fundraising are pivotal to the college’s future. Generous funding from notable foundations, including the Sorenson Legacy Foundation, Emma Eccles Jones Foundation, and the Cambia Health Foundation enhance our capacity to address pressing issues like STEM teacher shortages, elevating pre-service teacher education, supporting struggling readers’ unique needs, and strengthening mental health systems in Utah.
Our college is committed to addressing the grand challenges facing education in Utah and beyond through our research, teaching, and engagement. I am inspired by the faculty’s commitment to groundbreaking research and the subsequent translation of research to impact practice and policy.
As Dean, my goal is to advance the college by effectively communicating the excellence of faculty, students, staff, and alumni to you. The future of the College of Education shines brightly. I am excited to continue to share our impact across the state of Utah and beyond.
Frankie Santos Laanan