Funston Whiteman
Alumnus, B.A. Secondary Teaching License (History)
Mr. Funston Whiteman attended the University of Utah and College of Education from
the 2003–2005. As a teacher candidate, Funston was selected by the American Indian
Teacher Training Program (AITTP) in order to be trained to teach American Indian populations
at the secondary level. When he completed his degree, he traveled home and taught
at Crooked Oak Middle School in Oklahoma City as a social studies teacher. As a member
of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, Funston was able to oversee and co-author introductory
books for the pre-kindergarten to sixth grade levels.
Today, Funston serves an Assistant Principal at Shawnee Middle School. He is also a graduate student at the University of Oklahoma with an Executive Doctor of Education (Ed.D) degree on the horizon. His aim is to bring a critical change to the K–12 system of public education in order to fully maximize learning for all students. He considers the College of Education and University of Utah a cornerstone in his learning and his ability to respect diversity in all people.