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About the Program of Study

The Chemistry BS/MEd meets the requirements for a BS in Chemistry Teaching and USBE endorsements in Chemistry and Physics. Additional electives can be taken to earn endorsements in Physical Science, Earth Science, and English as a Second Language (ESL). Additional coursework is required to obtain a teaching license and can be taken post-BS or as part of the joint BS/MEd program in Chemistry Teaching and Educational Psychology. Note that the BS/MEd option only adds one course to the requirements for licensure, so most students will benefit from this pathway. Students should consult with an advisor early in the program to ensure that the appropriate prerequisite, general education, and endorsement courses are taken.

  1. Meet with an advisor in Chemistry once per semester. This will ensure that you are making the most of your University of Utah experience and staying on track to meet important requirements. Advisors will let you know about course availability, any prerequisites you may need to take, and additional opportunities in the college. Contact the Chemistry advising team here: Chemistry Advising.
  2. Students should also meet with an advisor in the College of Education to discuss education course requirements for licensure, prerequisites, and the admissions process to the MEd program. Contact an advisor in UITE during your second or third year to make sure you are on track to meet education requirements: UITE Advising.
  3. Students can choose from a number of allied science electives to meet multiple science endorsements. Be sure to check in with the BS/MEd personnel to learn more (contact You can refer to the Utah State Board of Education endorsement guide here: Utah State Board of Education Endorsement Guide.

Degree Requirements

Required Science Core Courses(25-27 Credits)

Course Number Course Name Credits
MATH1050 & 1060 or MATH 1080 College Algebra & Trigonometry or Precalculus 7 or 5
MATH 1210 Calculus I 4
MATH 1220 Calculus II 4
MATH 2210 Calculus III 3
PHYS 2210 Physical Science Engineering I 4
PHYS 2215 Physical Science Engineering I Lab 1
PHYS 2020 General Physics II 4

Required Chemistry Courses(39 Credits)

Course Number Course Name Credits
CHEM 2000 or 4000 Undergrad Seminar 1
CHEM 1210 General Chemistry I 4
CHEM 1215 General Chemistry I Lab 1
CHEM 1220 General Chemistry II 4
CHEM 1225 General Chemistry II Lab 1
CHEM 2310 Organic Chemistry I 4
CHEM 2315 Organic Chemistry I 1
CHEM 2320 Organic Chemistry II 4
CHEM 2325 Organic Chemistry II Lab 1
CHEM 3000 Quantitative Analysis 4
CHEM 3100 Inorganic Chemistry 4
CHEM 3060 Quantum Chemistry & Spectroscopy 4
CHEM 3070 Thermodynamics & Kinetics 4

Choose Two Advanced Chemistry Labs (4-6 Credits)

Course Number Course Name Credits
CHEM 5700 or 5710 or 5720 or 5730 or 5750 Advanced Analytical Chemistry Lab or Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab or Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab or Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab or Advanced Chemical Biology Lab 2
CHEM 4800 or 4965 or 5380 Undergraduate Research or Undergraduate Professional Chemistry Internship or Special Topics in Mordern Chemical Education  

Choose Allied Science Electives for USBE Endorsements in Physical Science and/or Earth Science (6-15 Credits)

Course Number Course Name Credits
ASTR 1050 or 1060 or 2060 or 4060: The Solar System or The Universe or Popular Observation Astronomy or FNDS of Astro or Observational Astronomy for Scientists 3
ATMOS 1010 or 1020 or 3100 Severe & Unusual Weather or Climate Change or Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Polution 3
BIOL 1620 or 3450 or 3460 Fundamental Principles of Biology II or Rainforest Ecology and Conservation or Global Environmental Issues 3
GEO 1110 or 1100 Intro to Earth Systems or Evolving Earth 3
GEO 2100 or GEO 3030 Reactive Earth or Living with Earthquakes & Volcanoes 3

Required Education Courses(17-18 Credits)

Course Number Course Name Credits
EDU 1010 Introduction to Education (20 field hours required) 3
ETHNC 2550 or 2570 or 2580 or 2590** African American or American Indian, or Asian Pacific American, or Pacific Islander Experience 3
ECS 2150 Intro to Multicultural Education (15 field hours required) 3
EDPS 3721 Adolescent Psychology 3
EDU 5170 Secondary Science Methods (10 field hours required)  3
ECS 5709 Building Family Partnerships ( 32 field hours required) 3

Optional Electives for Completion of English as a Second Language (ESL) Endorsement (9 Credits)

Course Number Course Name Credits
EDU 5200 Teacher Language Awareness (16 field hours required) 3
ECS 5645 Assessment of Linguistically Diverse Populations 3
ECS 5647 Instructional Methods for LinguisticallyDiverse Populations (16 field hours required) 3

* Can only be counted once

** ETHNC 2560 Latin American Experience can also be taken but this course only counts for a DV requirement. It is recommended students choose between the other four options to obtain both a DV and HFor BF requirement.

Requirements for a Masters of Education in Educational Psychology with Licensure

Course Number Course Name Credits
ED PS 6151 Educational Applications of Technology
ED PS 6035 Instructional Assessments: Design, Implementation, and Analysis Online 3
SP ED 6022 Principles of Instruction & Behavior Support 3
EDU 6201 Teaching Practices, Ethics & Professional Development 3
EDU 6490 Field Practicum Secondary: 9 hours/week in the field 3
EDU 6491 Professional  Development & Teacher Research 3
SP ED 5012 Teaching Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Secondary Classrooms (16 field hours required) 3
ED PS 5564/6564 Advanced Secondary Science Methods 3
EDU 6495 Student Teaching: 12 weeks full-time 9


Last Updated: 2/27/25