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Emergency Student Support Fund

Guidelines Students Applying for Emergency Funds

The Student Emergency fund at the University of Utah for financial assistance to minimize an unforeseen financial barrier that arises in an emergency situation. Funding is limited and award amounts will vary as they are determined by student individual financial need and cost of attendance. Availability is subject to other federal, state and institutional aid awarded. Generally, applicants should accept all other sources of funding, including federal aid before applying. Students must be enrolled the semester they are applying for assistance and may only apply for emergency funding once a semester.


University Scholarship & Financial Aid suggests going to their website for the most current information on applying for emergency funds: From this webpage there is a link directing applicant to the current Emergency Funds application.


The application asks four questions and requires students to describe their need in 500 words or less. Students must complete the full application and submit to be considered for funding.

  • There is a new application for each semester and must be applied to separately. Deadlines for each semester are the last day of that semester. One application per student, per semester.
  • Up to $1,000 is awarded per student as a cash disbursement.
  • Funds can be used to pay for basic needs, not tuition owed, fees, books, etc.


The University of Utah Scholarship Office will determine from the applicant pool:

  • Who receives the Emergency Fund award, based on established criteria above.
  • How much the award will be to the student.
  • Source of funds (campus funds, private donor[s], CARES funds etc.).



Last Updated: 8/4/21