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Transfer Students

Seamless transition from the Salt Lake Community College or other two-year schools. Real world field experiences. Unparalleled professional placement upon graduation.
That's the beauty of 2+2.


We have some good news for you. The University of Utah and the Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) have joined forces to help you make a seamless transition from SLCC to the U to earn your bachelor's degree and state teaching license.

If your goal is to become an extraordinary elementary teacher with a rewarding career that makes a difference, we invite you to consider the University of Utah's redesigned undergraduate elementary teacher education program, also known as 2+2. The U and Salt Lake Community College have made it possible for students to complete all requirements for the first two years of the U's teacher education program before completing an SLCC associate degree and transferring to the U. Through this path, once admitted to a teacher education program, you are guaranteed a slot in that program.

Students from Salt Lake Community College who complete the U's general education courses and year one of the professional education core prior to coming to the U are able to graduate from the U with a B.S. degree and receive a state teaching license within two years; students wishing to pursue a career in secondary education have a few additional requirements. This partnership between the U and SLCC creates a fully integrated program that culminates in a bachelor's degree with licensure in early childhood, elementary or special education.

No other program in the state will better prepare you to step into a position as a confident, inspired educator. The U of U's teacher education programs, in partnership with public education, will prepare you to work with Utah's students in communities from urban to rural; across age and ability levels; and from all populations, perspectives, and backgrounds.

Our faculty are among the leading scholars in education, conducting research and publishing on the most cutting-edge topics in the field, including school accountability, social justice in education, prevention on reading failure, closing the achievement gap, cultural competence and responsibility, school finance, positive behavior support, interdisciplinary studies in autism, and many other critical issues.

The College of Education is home to some of the nation's leading research and outreach centers, including the Utah Education Policy Center, the Center for Advancement of Technology in Education, the Utah Center for Reading and Literacy, the University of Utah Reading Clinic, and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center for Community of Caring.

As a College of Education student at the U, you will have ample opportunities to delve into the issues that capture your interest.

We would be pleased to tell you more and to answer any question about continuing your education at the University of Utah's College of Education. You can click here for more information or please contact us at 801-581-8221.

Last Updated: 6/20/24