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Alumni, Emeriti, and Friends 

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alumni, emeriti and friends of the College of Education.
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and human services professionals are shaping our world.


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Funston Whiteman

Funston Whiteman

Mr. Funston Whiteman attended the University of Utah and College of Education from the 2003-2005. As a teacher candidate, Funston was selected by the American Indian Teacher Training Program (AITTP) in order to be trained to teach American Indian populations at the secondary level. Today, Funston serves an Assistant Principal at Shawnee Middle School.

Funston Whiteman

Funston Whiteman

Mr. Funston Whiteman attended the University of Utah and College of Education from the 2003-2005. As a teacher candidate, Funston was selected by the American Indian Teacher Training Program (AITTP) in order to be trained to teach American Indian populations at the secondary level. Today, Funston serves an Assistant Principal at Shawnee Middle School.

Last Updated: 3/15/21