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Vision and Goals

The CSC is invested in supporting students and their well-being while creating community throughout the College of Education. 

Goals for the College Student Council:

  • Create more opportunities for anti-racist education for pre-service teachers
  • Facilitate easy communication between students, faculty, and departments, using social media to connect
  • Provide space for students to talk about intersectional issues and problems of practice as well as for research and learning
  • Support students through events, community building and sharing resources

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We as a student organization strive to build a community that respects and supports the experiences of all students and particularly students who are members of communities who have been historically and systemically marginalized and oppressed. We recognize that systemic oppression is embedded within the fabric of all institutions including our college; thus we prioritize centering the voices and experiences of students who have experienced discrimination and/or prejudice based on their social identities.

Our values:

  • Prioritize/demand/promote inclusion and equity
  • Center students’ voices and experiences
  • Advocate for systemic change

We acknowledge that discrimination, microaggressions, invisible experiences of students who hold historically marginalized identities create complex experiences and impact students in multitude of ways.

Last Updated: 11/30/21